You Can Do Bankruptcy Without Leaving Your Home
Video Transcribed: Oklahoma Bankruptcy Attorney Edward Kelley here, answering your bankruptcy questions with Like I did the home office on the COVID. It seems pretty clear that COVID-19 is spiking again.
So we may be probably will be extending the telephone hearings. Your income may drop again. So I just want to reiterate the points. If one silver lining, if you’ve been wanting to file bankruptcy, particularly chapter seven, or even need a lower payment than chapter 13, when you looked at, if you looked at it before and it was just too much.
If your income has dropped through this COVID, most people aren’t getting overtime unless they’re in certain essential positions. And the future is uncertain. Trustees are taking that into account. You can do bankruptcy without leaving your home. We’re doing telephone hearings.
So again, this may be the best time you’re going to find to file a chapter seven bankruptcy. You may meet those income requirements. If you’re below, if you’re in the forties or below for a single person, you can qualify.
And add about 10,000 onto that for each additional member of the family, for the household, for you to qualify. If you were there now, they go by the last six months.
So if you’ve been hit in the last few months, or even if it’s just happened, bankruptcy courts are allowing you to take that into account for modification, even sometimes, allowing that, despite you having too much income in the last six months, if you’re out of work or substantially furloughed now.
So just get in touch with me, 888-debtline or some bankruptcy attorney. This is the silver lining of this crisis or edward@wirthlawoffice, or on Facebook at Oklahoma’s for Debt Relief. Guys, hang in there and talk to you soon.