The Benefits of Filing Bankruptcy During the Pandemic
Video Transcribed: Bankruptcy Attorney Edward Kelley, 888 Debtline, answering your covid-19 bankruptcy questions. Once again, we’re doing a little emergency quick video here in the COVID-19 craziness. I’m going to reiterate the news flash.
We’ve also received orders from almost all the districts that the 341 meetings, which is the one physical time you have to show up somewhere in a Chapter 7 bankruptcy, will be done by telephone. So actually, if you hire now, you may not have to leave your house at all.
I am equipped via Skype, Zoom, and I know many attorneys are, to gather all your information and meet with you face to face. As many people are now learning how to do, it’s one silver lining of this crisis, in order to gather your materials.
You do need an original signature on some documents, so you’ll need the ability to print out an email that you would receive from me for documents you need to sign with your original signature and drop back in the mail.
However, again, all that can be done remotely with no more contact than your mailbox. And as of now, for the next month or two at least, all the 341 creditor meetings, which is the only time you necessarily had to leave your house anyway, will be by telephone. So, now’s the time.
Obviously, things are crazy all over, but that doesn’t have to stop you from getting a fresh start and taking care of your debt and perhaps walking away when this quarantine is over, with no more financial troubles. As always, you can contact me, 888 Debtline, And here on Facebook at Oklahomans for Debt Relief. Talk to you soon.